The Apothecary Diaries - LN 1-2

The Apothecary Diaries Volumes 1 and 2 by Natsu Hyuuga, Illustrations by Touko Shino. Published by J-Novel Club.

I watched season 1 of Kusuriya as it was airing, and waited to read the novels until I had completed the 24 episodes. As a result, I noticed two things:

First, that the 1st novel is actually a standalone. I did think it was weird that Maomao was suddenly removed from the Rear Palace, but it makes total sense if you think of it as a standalone ending. The first book basically ends with a sequel hook anyways.

Two, the writing in these novels is pretty dry. I’m not sure if this is part of the original text, or if the translator happens to have a dry writing style. From what I’ve read, the manga done by Nekokurage adds in a lot of charm and humor, which the anime took and expanded on even more. The light novels meanwhile, are truly from Maomao’s perspective, and have her sarcasm and wit.

That’s not to say that it wasn’t enjoyable, but it was a little shocking to find out that some of the beloved slapstick elements were purely made up for its subsequent adaptations.

Because of this, certain key moments hit a little differently.

It’s still early in the series, so I wonder if these aspects of the storytelling will change. Only time will tell.

Maomao is still one of my favorite main characters that I’ve read in light novels, however.

This article was updated on

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