The Water Magician (2)

The Water Magician: Arc 1 Volume 2 [LN2]

The Water Magician Arc 1 Volume 2 by Tadashi Kubou, Illustrations by Nokito. Published by J-Novel Club. The adventures continue! This volume has what I would consider 2 major events (mini-arcs) contained. One, where everyone has to fend off a stampede coming from inside the dungeon. The other is an assignment at a faraway port-town, to celebrate the launch of a new ship. The author has to solve what I call the “Saitama” problem. In order to preserve the tension of the series, Ryo can’t be around when big issues occur, since he is (supposedly) one of the strongest magicians…

The Water Magician: Arc 1 Volume 1 [LN1]

The Water Magician Arc 1 Volume 1 by Tadashi Kubou, Illustrations by Nokito. Published by J-Novel Club. Honestly, you know what got me to start reading this series? The Syosetsu listing for the original webnovel has a couple conditions listed about what the story ISN’T (google translated from Japanese): ・This is not a domestic politics cheat. ・There is no harem development ・This is not a science novel. ・This story is fiction ・This story is opportunistic. This is the original text, in case you’re curious: ・内政チートものではありません ・ハーレム展開はありません ・理系小説ではありません ・この物語はフィクションです ・この物語はご都合主義です (筆者はSNSを利用しておりません) I saw “Not a harem” and “opportunistic” and immediately wanted…