The Apothecary Diaries (5)

The Apothecary Diaries - LN 9-10

The Apothecary Diaries Volumes 9 and 10 by Natsu Hyuuga, Illustrations by Touko Shino. Published by J-Novel Club. Volumes 9 and 10 kick off “Western Capital, part 2”. There is a lot going on here politically since it is the region that Gyokuyou is from, and there are plenty of enemies with unknown motivations. In Volume 9, Maomao has basically become Jinshi’s personal doctor for [spoiler] reasons, so she must go though as much training as possible before they set off for I-sei province. For those in the know, it’s an open secret, but it puts Maomao in an even…

The Apothecary Diaries - LN 7-8

The Apothecary Diaries Volumes 7 and 8 by Natsu Hyuuga, Illustrations by Touko Shino. Published by J-Novel Club. Volume 7 contains the end the of the “Western Capital” arc and the beginning of what I would say is the start of Maomao’s next phase/status quo. Now that she’s outside the palace, Jinshi needs a way to keep Maomao around, and he finds it. He compels her to take the court service exam and become a medical assistant. From what you can see in the cover, she clearly passes (after tons of effort) and ends up entering the court service with…

The Apothecary Diaries - LN 5-6

The Apothecary Diaries Volumes 5 and 6 by Natsu Hyuuga, Illustrations by Touko Shino. Published by J-Novel Club. I initially thought I would include 7 here as well since it contains some of the falling action from these two volumes, but I figured I would wait since there’s way too much that happens in that one that’s hard to explain without knowing about these ones first lol. Beware spoilers below! These two volumes comprise what I think most fans are calling the “Western Capital” Arc? After the stunning events of the last volume, Maomao is forced into going west with…

The Apothecary Diaries - LN 3-4

The Apothecary Diaries Volumes 3 and 4 by Natsu Hyuuga, Illustrations by Touko Shino. Published by J-Novel Club. These two volumes finish out what I would say is the first major story arc in the series. Volume 3 continues the evolving relationship between Maomao and Jinshi (with what I have to say is the funniest romcom scene and deflection by Maomao so far) with further Rear Palace intrigue, while Volume 4 dives deep into the ramifications of a certain high ranking family’s actions. In my personal opinion, while the first 3 volumes were entertaining, Volume 4 was what really got…

The Apothecary Diaries - LN 1-2

The Apothecary Diaries Volumes 1 and 2 by Natsu Hyuuga, Illustrations by Touko Shino. Published by J-Novel Club. I watched season 1 of Kusuriya as it was airing, and waited to read the novels until I had completed the 24 episodes. As a result, I noticed two things: First, that the 1st novel is actually a standalone. I did think it was weird that Maomao was suddenly removed from the Rear Palace, but it makes total sense if you think of it as a standalone ending. The first book basically ends with a sequel hook anyways. Two, the writing in…