Expedition Cooking with the Enoch Royal Knights - LN 4


Expedition Cooking with the Enoch Royal Knights Volume 4 by Mashimesa Emoto, Illustrations by Tera Akai. Published by Cross Infinite World.

I didn’t intend to write-up my thoughts about this volume actually, since I did the last 3 all in one post. But then I realized that since I caught up to the series, I would probably forget if I waited until the rest of the books are out.

By this point in the series, I basically skim the cooking scenes since they make me really hungry! I’m here for the cast, and it’s always a good time. Although I don’t consider this series a masterpiece by any means, I really like the fact that the cast is so well established in volume 1, and any new additions are given their time to blend into the family squad. In this book, we learn more about side characters that previously left a bad impression on the readers.

This volume also focuses on Mell’s further development of her magic powers, as well as her continued relationship with the rest of the 2nd squadron, including her romantic interest, Zara. It’s obvious to the reader, but Mell starts to finally realize her own feelings. And there are some pretty cute interactions as they decide to start living together (as friends!!).

We also get to learn more about Ulgus too since he ends up having some romantic hijinks of his own, which leads to a pretty hilarious scene that includes a cooking competition.

I know that this series is complete at 7 volumes in Japan, and I honestly am still looking forward to the next 3 volumes. They’re sure to be a blast, and I want to see more Zara/Mell!!

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